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CV Petra Schott
Petra Schott
Schifferstr 44
60594 Frankfurt/M, Germany
Email :
Phone: +4916097722911
Gallery Representation:
Tappan Collective, Los Angeles, US
Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto, US
Mirena Art Gallery, Saint Paul de Vence, France
Hancock Gallery, Newcastle, UK
BelArt Gallery, Brussels, Belgium,
Konsum163, Munich, Germany
Select Solo Exhibitions
The Way It Is I Konsum163 I urban Gallery I Munich, Germany
Colour Energy I Gallus Theater I Frankfurt/M, Germany
Venus On Holidays I Studio Novo Artspace I Cologne, Germany
Unschuld-Schönheit-Farbe I Gallery Das Bilderhaus I Frankfurt/M, Germany
Illuminating RealityI Hancock Gallery I Newscastle, UK
Zweizigartig I Eyecandy I Frankfurt/M, Germany
In between I Nebbiensches Gartenhaus I Frankfurt/M, Germany
Petra Schott I Discovery Art Fair I Frankfurt, Germany
Innere Stimmen I Kulturverein Hanau Remisengalerie I Hanau, Germany
Der Seelen wunderliches Bergwerk I Kunstverein Eulengasse I Frankfurt/M, Germany
Gesellschaftszimmer I Kunstverein Offenbach I Offenbach, Germany
Art Fair Art Muc I Munich, Germany
Select Group exhibitions
Untold Stories I Badehaus I Bad Soden I Germany
Art Karlsruhe I Gallery artfair I represented by konsum163 Gallery
Beginnings I Casa de Campo I Dominican Republic I with Heliconia Projects
Instead of Snow I konsum163 Gallery I Munich I Germany
LIMEN I Tappan Collective Art Gallery I Los Angeles
The Other ArtFair Brooklyn I Visionary Projects and Zero Space I New York Brooklyn, US
Wilde Mischung I Gallery Konsum163 I Munich, Germany
Summer vibes I Pamela Walsh Gallery I Palo Alto, US
Reclamation I Pamela Walsh Gallery I Palo Alto, US
Affordable Artfair I with Hancock Gallery I London, UK
Intertextual Artscapes I Pashmin Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Jackson’s Painting Prize I The Bankside Gallery, London, UK
A Global Dialogue through Art I Archive Art Museum and Pashmin Art Gallery I, Peking, China
Apeiron I Gallery Tappan Collective I Los Angeles, USA,
Group exhibition I Kunstverein Familie Montez I Frankfurt, Germany
Zeitkonserven I Kunstverein Eulengasse I Frankfurt, Germany
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming I Azaro Art Spaces I Hamburg, Germany
Group exhibition I Galerie van Gogh I Madrid, Spain
Group exhibition I Mutuo Art Gallery/Fresh Rice Initiative I Barcelona, Spain
Biennale di Venezia I Galleria Accorsi d’ArteI Venice, Italy
Unlimited Reality I Galleria Kookos, Helsinki , Finland
Kleinformate I Kunstverein Eulengasse I Frankfurt, Germany
Group exhibition I Paulskirche Frankfurt and BBK I Frankfurt, Germany
we contemporary I Musa Art Space I Prague, Czech Republic
Little Treasures I Gallery De Marchi I Bologna, Italy
Group exhibition I Werkhalle I Schlüchtern, Germany
salonfähig I Kunstverein Eulengasse I Frankfurt, Germany
Summe I Artfestival I Kleinbasel, Switzerland
3. Biennale di Genova I Satura Art Gallery I Genua, Italy
Figurenspiel I BBK Frankfurt I Frankfurt, Germany
Woman’s Essence I Musaart Space I Venice, Italy
Wanderausstellung I Frankfurter Künstlerclub I Prague, Czech Republic
Menschwerk2018 I Art Fair I Aschaffenburg, Germany
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